Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The First Week of School!

Don't worry pictures are taken just have not been uploaded yet

My first week and two days of University/English 12 are over. My week has been awesome! The English class I am in should not be called English 12 but English 3 as it is extremely easy. The first three days were sentence structure. What? and then we moved on to paragraphs, WOW! I know what you are thinking seriously Luke? Yes. I am serious.

My university campus however is awesome. Built into a hillside and with a lot of trees and many, many bunnies and baby bunnies. AWESOME! and distracting, where was I? Oh yeah and you can see the mainland from my University. I got my first assessment back yesterday and it was 75%. Not bad if you ask me putting me in the upper quartile of the class. and that was only my draft so it is not even worth 1% of my final grade. I expect at least 85% with my revised work.

Today Sara and I had to catch a Lamb for the slaughter. It went, as Sara says, Semi-smoothly. I used a lasso, I had fashioned out of rope, and put it around its neck. However, I soon noticed that it was choking the lamb so I had to loosen it and hold it right at the neck. It was then that I learnt just how high a lamb can jump. Nevertheless the lamb was soon in the trailer eating hay and oats. Then we had to put the water bucket in. Worried that if we opened the gate the lamb would run out I decided I would lift the bucket and lower said bucket over the gate and lower it with a piece of bailing twine. All fine and dandy. Until the bucket tipped towards me and some, I would like to stress not all, of the water poured onto me (yes it was enough that I had to shower as it was nasty animal water) But the twine worked perfectly and the lamb was soon content and happily eating one of its last meals.